Cannonball® and Mio® Instruments are sold in local music stores. To find your closest dealer(s), please send an email to: and include your name (optional), city, state, and zip code. Please include your country if you are outside USA.
If you would like to know pricing, please contact your local Cannonball® and Mio® dealer. To find your closest dealer(s), please send an email to: and include your name (optional), city, state, and zip code. Please include your country if you are outside USA.
Please click here to view our 5 year limited warranty.
Professional and Semi-Professional C flutes come standard with two crowns: Traditional crown, and Royal Crown™, made of Titanium. If your flute has a solid silver head joint, your Royal Crown™ comes inlaid with a Blue Sodalite semi-precious stone. If your solid silver head joint is gold plated, your Royal Crown™ comes inlaid with a Tiger Eye semi-precious stone. Yes, you may request a different stone for your Royal Crown™. In addition to Blue Sodalite, and Tiger Eye, we also have available upon special request: Picasso Jasper, Petrified Green Bog (limited), and White Tiger Calcite.
We believe it is invaluable to have brick-and-mortar music stores in the community. There you can play-test your horn before you take it home to be sure it plays to your expectations and so that you can choose the best finish/model for you. They can provide service, quality repair and information, as well as lesson opportunities, learning centers, and community programs. It’s very important to us that you are happy with the horn not only when you purchase it but for years ahead, and that you can feel confident about the music store in your community who will provide the knowledge and service you deserve.
• Keep your flute clean and dry.
• Wash your hands before playing. Cannonball® does not warrant deterioration because of hand acidity.
• After playing, carefully swab out your Mio® flute with the bamboo silk cloth that is provided. Carefully and gently wipe off moisture from the outside of you Mio® flute with a soft 100% cotton cloth to prevent deterioration of the metal parts (keys, springs, screws and rods). IMPORTANT: Do not use chemically treated cloths to wipe down your flute. If chemically treated polishing cloths are used the warranty will not be honored.
• Allow your Mio® flute to dry out completely by letting it air dry on occassion.
• Store your Mio® flute in its case and out of humidity whenever you aren't playing it. Moisture and saliva cause the finish to corrode, which is beyond the control of Cannonball®.
• Keep the embochure plate and the riser below the embochure plate clean from dirt, grease and debris.
• Keep the tenons between the headjoint and body and foot clean to help with resonance and transfer of sound from one part of the flute to the next.
• It is helpful to use silver protectant strips to reduce the rate of tarnish and oxidation. The strip should be placed on top of the flute in the case whenever it is being stored. Replace the strips every six months.
• Do not rub silver finishes with too much force, as you can scratch the silver finish. To keep the finish looking new, carefully guard you Mio® flute from being scratched with rings, watches, zippers, etc.
• Periodically oil the pivot points with a thicker oil.
• To help prevent cracks in wood parts, always allow the instrument to warm up gradually before playing. Do not allow the flute/piccolo to get too hot or too cold (left in a car on a hot day or outside in the winter). Temperature changes should happen gradually.
• Keep the cork well lubricated with quality cork grease.
You may order through your nearest Cannonball® and Mio® dealer. They will be happy to help and can safely replace parts/stones. All accessories can be ordered through any Cannonball® and Mio® dealer as well.